Tuesday, 13 March 2012

It's been a while and no mistake...

Well I'm back online with a brand new PC due to my last one having a nervous breakdown toward the end of the year. I simply couldn't afford to replace it in the run up to Christmas and even afterwards it took a considerable amount of time to get the money together.

But, as if to add credence to the old adage...

"You can't keep a good man down"

Here I am, although the good man part is still being debated even as I type.

How have you started 2012, with regard to taking steps to improve your;
  • Health.
  • Wealth.
  • Happiness
Are things going the way you'd hoped?

I do hope so. The one thing we all have in common regardless of, ethnicity, background, education, financial resources etc is the ability to take hold of our own life and re-mould it into something else, ideally something that we are proud of.

Don't believe me?

Look around, in your very own neighbourhood, there are countless people who have left the rat-race to start their own businesses or work from home. There are yet more who decided to return to education in order to learn new skills or gain a degree and right at the other end of the spectrum there are people who have turned to drink, drugs and anti-depressants to change their emotional state

There has been a groundswell of local community groups that have sprung up in recent years with the intention to create improvements in their own neighbourhood, now that's personal power, people power at it's finest refusing to sit back and watch their living environment go to hell in a handbag, (I wonder who first coined that phrase and what were they drinking at the time).

So make a pledge here and now, away from all of that January 1st nonsense (which is intrinsically set up to fail anyway) to take a hold of your life and make some changes for the better.

To your impending success.    ; )

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